2023 Selected Works
Anita Bryant's Bible Burning in Hell Quilt, 65 x 63 inches, a quilt made from cyanotype on cotton fabric, hand dyed and commercially produced cotton fabric, aluminum foil, vinyl, plastic produce packaging, cotton batting and thread., 2023.
Clean American, performance with cyanotype jumpsuit I made with sponge knee pads,cherries, strawberry syrup,cleaning cream, and quilt with sponge photos, duration: 30 minutes, 2023
Super Scotch Brite Sponge Quilt, 103 x 81 inches, quilt made from artistʼs photos of sponges printed on cotton sateen,terrycloth, hook and loop fastener,cotton batting, thread. 2019-2023
This quilt was sewn with assistance from my Mom & Grandma Patt. Installation view with Clean American performance materials.
Super Mr.Clean Scotch Brite Cleaning Jumpsuit, 66 by 36 inches, Cyanotype on linen, Scotch Brite Sponges, hook and loop fastener, and thread,2023
Mr. Clean Sticker Pack Quilt, 103 x 73 inches, quilt made from hand dyed linen and cotton fabric, hook and loop fastener, cotton batting, and thread.“Stickers” made from hand printed cotton with hook and loop fastener,2023
Surface design: These are examples of hand dyed and printed fabrics I made.