2020 Works
Turkey Food Bank, installation of 50 cast concrete Butterball turkeys, interplanted with Pawpaw and oak trees.
This artwork is in part meant for an avian audience, specifically native turkeys. The cast turkeys act as riprap to preserve the eroding stream bank, while the tree's root systems slowly take over. In addition, these trees will create ideal habitat for native turkeys, hopefully helping to preserve the species.
This artwork is in part meant for an avian audience, specifically native turkeys. The cast turkeys act as riprap to preserve the eroding stream bank, while the tree's root systems slowly take over. In addition, these trees will create ideal habitat for native turkeys, hopefully helping to preserve the species.
Meat Package Product Quilt, 72 x 84 inches, archival inkjet print on cotton sateen, polyester and cotton fabric and batting, thread, vinyl, performance, 2020
Nabisco Premium Saltines Quilt, 96 x 126 inches, archival inkjet print on cotton sateen, polyester batting, thread, 2019-2020
Kraft Singles American Cheese Slices Quilt #1, 72 x 96 inches, vinyl, polyester, thread
Kraft Singles American Cheese Slices Quilt #2, 85 x 48 inches, vinyl, polyester, thread